Registration & Course Requests

Laurie Nielson

Laurie Nielson

​Registrar & Counseling Secretary

Email Laurie Nielson

We are so excited to welcome you to Mt. Nebo Middle School!  We love it here and hope you will, too!  
Registration can be completed online.  Supporting documents are to be uploaded at the time of registration.
Student schedules will be available 24-48 hours after registration is completed and fees are paid. 

See below for links and more information.

2025-2026 Course Requests

6th Grade

  • 6th Grade Course Requests

  • 6th Grade Course Requests en Espanol

7th Grade

  • 7th Grade Course Requests

  • 7th Grade Immunization Information

  • 7th Grade Course Requests en Espanol

MNMS Class Change Policy

Class change requests are considered  when schedules become available in early August and again the last week of first semester.  The student must have a complete online registration and paid school fees for the current school year to make class changes.  There is no class change fee for classes changed before the first day of school, however, class changes for preferential reasons are charged a $5.00 class change fee once school begins. Class change requests after the first five school days of the semester or those involving lunch and pod changes must be approved by administration. The ability to change a class depends on classroom capacity, balance, and availability.  Students may be required to obtain signatures from teachers, parents, and/or an administrator before a class change.

Required Documents for Registration

  • Transcripts

    • Current and previous year

  • Immunization Record

    • 5 DPT

    • 3 Hepatitis B

    • 2 MMR 

    • Tdap - A booster is required before 7th grade.  The Kindergarten dose is not sufficient.

    • 1 Varicella (Chicken Pox) - If 1st dose is administered after the age of 13, two doses are required.  A doctor's note verifying a history of chicken pox disease is sufficient.

    • Students coming from out of the country are required to have proof of a current TB (tuberculosis) test.

  • Address Verification

  • Documentation must be in the parent/guardian's name and show the current address.

    • 3 forms of address verification are required. Examples include utility bill, bank or credit card statement, most recent mortgage payment, or rental agreement and copy of most recent rent payment.   

  • Birth Certificate